I previously wrote that I was looking forward to Vista. I was. But, now I’m not. XP is good enough and Vista is terrible. Its slow, bloated, won’t let you play music and doesn’t offer one iota of interesting new functionality. It’s like having Microsoft Bob and Clippy and a bunch of security holes.
Now, to all you Microsofties out there that read this blog, I hear that when you give an honest Vista review like this one, Microsoft sends bloggers like me a new laptop to evaluate Vista and help us better understand the true value of Vista. I could be swayed. But for now, unless Microsoft can help me understand again why I might someday want to install that hopeless piece of garbage, I have to retract my previous “looking forward” statements, and I no longer recommend Vista to my vast subscribership.
Update 01/03/07: Since I’ve had a few comments on this, it’s clear my sarcasm is undetected. This post is a joke. I just want Microsoft to send me my free reviewer’s laptop, and then I’ll sing and dance for Vista. Until then, no recommendation for Vista!!