Vista Retraction

I previously wrote that I was looking forward to Vista.  I was.  But, now I’m not.  XP is good enough and Vista is terrible.  Its slow, bloated, won’t let you play music and doesn’t offer one iota of interesting new functionality.  It’s like having Microsoft Bob and Clippy and a bunch of security holes

Now, to all you Microsofties out there that read this blog, I hear that when you give an honest Vista review like this one, Microsoft sends bloggers like me a new laptop to evaluate Vista and help us better understand the true value of Vista.   I could be swayed.  But for now, unless Microsoft can help me understand again why I might someday want to install that hopeless piece of garbage, I have to retract my previous “looking forward” statements, and I no longer recommend Vista to my vast subscribership.

Update 01/03/07: Since I’ve had a few comments on this, it’s clear my sarcasm is undetected.  This post is a joke.  I just want Microsoft to send me my free reviewer’s laptop, and then I’ll sing and dance for Vista.  Until then, no recommendation for Vista!!

Vista DRM Controversy

The top 10 results on Google News search for “Vista DRM” today reference this ridiculous Peter Gutmann article.  This is a bunch of Microsoft bashing.  I’m actually surprised at how many so-called news sources are quoting this article without thinking.

Gutmann uses some cool sound-bites, though, like:

 “The Vista Content Protection specification could very well constitute the longest suicide note in history”


“This seems a bit like breaking the legs of Olympic athletes and then rating them based on how fast they can hobble on crutches.”

Yeah right.

Do you really think Apple is going to skip DRM, be legally prohibited from displaying HD content, and force their users to use Windows?  Ha!  Don’t blame Microsoft for this one, guys.  It’s the movie and music industry.  And it’s their content and their choice for how to protect it.  If you want, you can cast your vote by not buying the content.  Vista is just another viewing medium – like your TV, CD player, DVR, etc.

Marc Cuban Can’t Let It Go

I’ve been a fan of the Blog Maverick for some time.  But…

I don’t understand why he can’t stop ripping on YouTube.  He’s been wrong about 50 times, and yet he keeps going on and on and on.  With no evidence yet surfacing that he was right, he’s now just on a quest to insult and belittle the whole thing.  In the end, he’s going to be at least partially right – the User-Created Video market is just too immature to not have upheavals which will at least partly corroborate his claims.  Move on to another topic – you’re a smart guy – but you were wrong on this one.  For some reason, I think you are just waiting for some downturn to say “I told you so”.  We all know there will be a downturn.  So don’t take credit for the obvious!

Protecting Your Privacy: Don’t Go To College

Last month I received a letter from UCLA telling me that they had leaked my personal information to a hacker.  I never went to UCLA.  I applied to school there 17 years ago (and was accepted, of course!).  Since I declined their offer to study, I guess they finally got their revenge by giving my information to a hacker nearly two decades later.

I don’t know which is worse, UCLA’s negligent information retention policies, or realizing that its been 17 years since I applied to go to school.

Should Have Software

I posted last week the list of software I installed in wave 1.  Here is the software I have had to install since then.  I guess these are the “should have software” 🙂

  1. Axialis Icon Workshop
  2. Foxit
  3. Google Earth – I really only downloaded this because I wanted to see Santa.
  4. Google Desktop – I downloaded this because there was a new version out.  The UI is incredibly improved over the last version.  No need to wait for Vista’s sidebar – Google’s Desktop gives you the sidebar running on Windows XP.   To be fair, though, I haven’t been a big fan of either the Microsoft or Google offering.  This version is much better, but unless you’ve got dual monitors like me, I suspect you won’t want to give up the precious screen real estate.  To see the coolest feature ever, though, be sure to install and hit ctrl-ctrl (control key twice).  Fantastic!
  5. Cygwin
  6. Yahoo Toolbar – I really have no idea how this got on my system.  Those Yahoo folk are tricky!

Must Have Software

Well, my motherboard died over the weekend, so I had to rebuild and reinstall everything.  Must have software is the software you install first, right?  Here is the list, in order.

  1. Windows Server 2003
  2. Motherboard Drivers
  3. Firefox
  4. Windows Update –
    1. Win2K3 SP1
    2. About 49 other patches
  5. Microsoft Office
  6. Microsoft Lookout
  7. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional
  8. Microsoft Money
  9. Google Picasa
  10. Google Toolbar (got a big ad when browising Google’s homepage)
  11. Macromedia Flash
  12. Van Dyke SecureCRT
  13. Motorola Phone
  14. Techsmith SnagIt
  15. NSIS
  16. Windows Live Writer
  17. Macromedia Fireworks

Lots of Microsoft in that list!

Understanding Google’s Indexing

Matt Cutts posted a fantastic description of what happened to a hapless Webmaster when his site was hacked and delisted from Google. 

I thought it was pretty interesting to know how much detailed analysis went into the problem, and I was impressed by Matt’s professionalism.  Like Matt, I hope that we (as software professionals and as an industry) are able to get better over time at letting people know what is going wrong.  But I think it’s pretty amazing how much self-diagnosis some of our modern services are already doing.

The Cost of a Commute

Here is a look at what my per-day cost of commuting is.  Since I now take the Google shuttle, I am  interested in how much I save by not driving.

The simple computation rests on the price of gas, which, thankfully, has fallen a bit.  But a more accurate computation would take into account the actual wear and tear on the auto as well.

For me, I drive a car which cost about $25,000, and I expect to use it for about 150,000 miles, and then sell it for about $2,000.  That means on a per mile basis, it costs about $0.15.  Fuel, at $2.45 per gallon and 45mpg, costs a little over $0.05 per mile.  I’m intentionally not accounting for insurance or maintenance, because I do need a car, and even without a commute, I would incur these expenses.  This calculation is merely the cost of driving each day to work.

Well, with a per-mile cost of $0.207, and a round trip of 85 miles, the shuttle saves me $17.66 per trip. 

Democrats vs Republicans – Lousy Choices

The Republicans got trounced yesterday with their “stay the course” policy.  Hooray!  Maybe now we’ll get out of Iraq and bring the troops home.  Everyone except our President knows that the battle is over and the rest of the “job in Iraq” can only be done by Iraqis themselves. 

But, why is it that in order to end the war we have to choose to elect the Democrats?  We’ve successfully kept them out of control in the House since 1995, and for good reason.  Now, don’t get me wrong, if I have to choose between the war in Iraq and electing Democrats, I’ll take the Democrats.  But this is a really awful choice.  Why can’t we keep the Republicans in the House and get out of Iraq?

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you should read Nancy Pelosi’s e-book.  She clearly states what she is all about:  taxes and social programs.

Here are her 6 tenets  for 2006:

1) Defense.  She wants to double the size of the military with a variety of expensive campaigns.  Well, anything is cheaper than war, I guess.
2) Raise the minimum wage.  (In other words, cause unemployment)
3) College.  Make college tuition tax deductible permanently, cut student loan interest rates, increase Grants, NSF, etc.  (In other words, increase taxes)
4) Energy.  More incentives for energy-efficiency.  (In other words, increase taxes)
5) Affordable Health Care.  Lower prices for seniors.  (Remember the baby boomers?  In other words, increase taxes)
6) Protect Social Security.  Gov’t retirement matching.  Remember the Baby Boomers?  In other words, massively increase taxes.

The stage is definitely set for the democrats.  Bush’s war is going to be the rally cry for Hillary Clinton in 2008.  Taxes… taxes…

I hate to say it, but it’s worth it as long as we get out of Iraq.

I wonder if George Bush realizes that his biggest legacy may not be the war in Iraq, but rather the depression he creates by forcing Americans to elect Democrats to get Bush to stop fighting this stupid war.

Don’t Let Spammers Take Office! (aka – Vote No on Pombo)

Q: What do you it when a politician sends spam?
A: Campaigning.

 I don’t have a lot of preference between Jerry McNerney and Richard Pombo.  But after 3 robo-calls from Pombo, he’s not getting my vote.  Further, if I get any robo-calls from other candidates, I’ll vote against them too.  Spammers are spammers whether it is email or phone calls.  If you don’t have the decency to talk to me on the phone, don’t call.  Since Richard Pombo supports this action, I can only conclude that he lacks common decency and does not deserve my vote. 

 I believe automated, unsolicited phone calls are against the law, but I do not have the patience to prove it.  As with most types of spam, the slimy spammers usually figure out a loophole.  Here is a good link if you are curious about automated phone dialing laws.  In the meantime, consider re-signing up for the national do-not-call list.  But I think I’m already on it, and it didn’t help me.

Lastly, vote NO ON Richard “Spamboy” Pombo!!!