Dell Coupons and a free one from me

I just purchased a couple of monitors online from Dell. Before buying, I went onto ebay and purchased a $35 coupon for $0.99. I’ve seen these before, but never used one. Given that it only cost a buck, I tried it. I paid for it via Paypal, and the coupon works great!

Only caveat – look out for shipping charges on ebay. Some of these guys want as much as $5.99 to send you an email with your coupon. “Shipping charges”? Ebay ought to ban fees on electronic delivery, as its nothing except misleading to the consumer, and makes purchasing take a lot longer due to reading the fine print.

On to the FREE STUFF – I ended up purchasing two coupons for the price of one (with $0.49 shipping), so if you want to use my second coupon, please take it. It expires on April 5th – the coupon number is 9DSK9N$0919$SL – I make no warranties, and the first person to use it gets it. It requires a $300 minimum purchase, and then you’ll get $35 off. Oh yeah – and no shipping charges 🙂

BTW – despite today’s date, this is not an April Fool’s Joke!

Scary CodeProject Discovery

One of my favorite websites is CodeProject. It’s got all sorts of great code examples, tutorials and explanations for pretty much any topic. As I was perusing their Top Ranked Articles today, I discovered something very scary.

Of the top-20 articles, 2 of them are ones that only a spyware writer would want to read:
Three Ways To Inject Code Into Another Process
API Hooking Revealed

I’m pretty saddened by this. It means there are a lot of programmers out there writing software to steal your keystrokes. Scary! There certainly are a few legitimate reasons to inject code into foreign processes, but there is no doubt in my mind that thievery is the most common…

Glorious Carpool Lane

Glory to thee, foolish politician,
For creation of our traffic congestion,
For the only roads which don’t flow free,
Are those where you made a carpool lane be!

And now, for $25K and a sticker,
I drive straight through this traffic that’s thicker.
I used to frown and snarl, and grumpily complain,
About those selfish, fast pacers in the H-O-V lane.
But now that it is reserved solely for me,
I sing as I drive and I smile with glee!
I even say, “Let more carpool lanes be!”

You might think me unwise to not fear you’ll change laws,
But I know that you won’t due to your tree-hugging cause.
I really don’t care that my car helps with clean air,
I just want to drive without fear and without care,
That my routes will make me just sit there and stare.

To those who do not yet have their free passes,
Let it be known that it’s not for the masses.
If you were to come into my god-given space,
I’d end up put-putting all over the place.
So for now, I’m ecstatic to drive with such speed,
Past all of you suckers with politicians on weed.

Dlink 524 vs Linksys WRT54G Review

I’ve been running a DLink DI-524 wireless router at home for the past year or so. I’ve liked it, but I’ve had connectivity “glitches” – dropped connections, short delays when computers come onto the network, etc. Further, the wireless shared-key mode never worked, which wasn’t a huge problem, but definitely undesirable, as it forced me to use cable drops when I hadn’t intended to originally. Fortunately, my home is already wired. Reading reviews online reveals that lots of other people have similar problems with the DI-524.

I finally decided to get a LinkSys WRT54G router. I bought it for $49.99 at Fry’s. Wow. What a difference! Immediately, I’ve noted a speedup of download performance (annecdotal). A link testing program that I used to run and have consistent connectivity failures with now never fails at all. It’s clearly better right out of the box.

Setup of the Linksys was easy – I was back up and running in less than 5 minutes of downtime. The user interface on the Linksys is good, although the submenus are hard to discover at times. On the administration front, the DLink does a better job of logging dropped packets and such, which the Linksys doesn’t do at all, but its not a feature I really use much. I also thought the DLink had a slightly better UI for configuring access filters and such. The functionality is available on both routers, but easier for novices on the DLink.

But who cares about minor UI differences. The reliability of the router is what is key, and its a feature which the Linksys has and the DLink does not.

Now I just have to decide if I can overcome my conscious and sell the DI-524 to some hapless soul via ebay! (let me know if you want it!)

Windows Live Image Search Rocks

You may have read some of the many announcements about the latest Windows Live Beta that went out today. There is a lot of good stuff in there, and I can’t possibly mention it all. But there is one new feature which I really find innovative, functional, and just plain better than anything else out there.

That is the new Image Search. Try this search for our fearless leader.

Now, pull the scrollbar a bit. See that?! Whoa! That is AJAX at work. No more next-next-next navigation taking foreever. Just tap the mouse and keep browsing until you find what you are looking for! That rocks!

On the room-for-improvement side, the beta still has a few shortcomings. In particular, I think the ajax usage is almost gratuitous – sometimes being used maybe more for its techie-cool-factor than for actual functionality. I’ve found that bookmarking pages is difficult at best, and sometimes pages render slowly. There could be a whole bunch of reasons for this, so I’ll defer to the Live.Com guys to sort that out – but there is no oubt that this image search is better than anything else I’ve seen.

ClickOnce may as well be ClickNever

A few weeks ago I raved about VS2005. One of the things I really liked about it was the ClickOnce deployment. ClickOnce is the ability to “publish” your software to the net and support auto-update all through a simple build step in VS2005. Its very slick!

Alas, today I ran into a fatal flaw for ClickOnce – it doesn’t work for FireFox. Several small companies I know that were excited about ClickOnce have all backed off their initial enthusiasm, with this bug being a major reason why. Unfortunately, not supporting firefox in this day and age just isn’t acceptible. If you are building tools for ISVs, you know that you can’t just “not work” for some segment of your population.

Hence, ClickOnce is relegated to an IT-only tool, where it can be used for internat deployments at companies that don’t allow FireFox.

The good news, if there is any, is that the Microsoft team is well aware and promise that they are working on a fix. But I can’t say I’m not really disappointed in this.

More information can be found from Microsoft Developer Saurabh Pant, and Scott Hanselman.

Upgraded my Porsche

I’m happy to announce I’ve upgraded my ’98 Porsche Boxster to something that gets me to work faster!

Must be a 911, right? Or maybe a BMW 5 series? Something German? How about an ’06 Honda Civic Hybrid!

Sure, this car doesn’t have quite the power, prestige, look, or exhilaration that comes with the Porsche, but I get to work faster in my steadfast little car with brand-new HOV-lane (aka Carpool lane) stickers. I left home at 7:15 this morning and sailed into work by 8am. (this was an impossible time in the Porsche at that hour!) Particularly satisfying was zooming at 65mph past all the stopped traffic merging onto highway 237. It was certainly a congestion that would have cost me at least 15 minutes!

My friends laugh at me now because I’ve switched from being an aggressive driver to a granny. My “porsche lane” is gone (weaving through traffic at 90+mph). Now I seem to be more content trying to optimize my MPG up to 50 instead of extending my spedometer to read triple digits. But that virtual high-speed lane is never open during the commute times anyway, so I’m reasonably happy to replace it with my wide open 65mph commuter lane.

The only thing I miss is the convertible top. I must be getting old. But at least I saved 15 minutes.

Boolean Brake Lights Just Aren’t Enough

Have you ever driven behind a car that had its brake lights on for a really long time? Eventually, you conclude the driver is driving with both feet because the car keeps accelerating. Sure enough, as you pass the 1972 Cadillac, you realize that the 900 year old man driving it probably thinks the brake pedal is comfortable place to rest his foot.

Or, have you ever been behind one of those massive SUVs when the driver taps the brakes and you have no idea why? These 5 ton behemoths are hard to see around. In fact, the only way to see around them is to buy an even bigger SUV! But that is a different story. When the driver hits the brakes in front of you, it is usually not possible to tell why – even if you aren’t tailgating.

Lastly, have you ever been in a really bad traffic jam and just watched drivers’ brake usage patterns? In heavy traffic, you’ll see there are 3 basic types of drivers. There are those that use the brakes constantly, those that use the brakes sparingly, and a third group that seem to tap the brake pedals at fairly random intervals. I suspect these are individuals that are being cautious and careful. But because the lights on the back of their car are either “on” or “off”, the following drivers have no choice but to brake too. You just can’t discern what the driver is really thinking.

All of these examples showcase the fact that our system of boolean on-off brake lights is inadequate. While the cockpits of our cars have added MPG gauges and all sorts of bells and whistles, the driving indicators on the outside of the car remain completely un-evolved since their inception!

Here are some ideas for things we could do better.

First off, let’s start using more signals on the back of each car. Rather than knowing whether the driver has their foot on the brake pedal, I’d like to know if the car is accelerating or decelerating. If the driver has his foot on both pedals, who cares if one is on the brakes- the driver still may be speeding up. So how about a system which has:
– GREEN – accelerating
– ORANGE – decelerating 5%

I thought about making the third brake light be a differentiator to distinguish between mild brake usage and heavy brakes, but that would be incompatible with existing cars such that other drivers just wouldn’t know. The same argument could be made for my use of “red’.

Another thing I’d like to see on every bumper is a digital readout of two things. First, how fast the car is going, and second, the average speed of the car over the last 5 minutes. This somewhat assumes that speedometers are accurate, and these would be obviously ugly and prone to tampering. But, wouldn’t this be useful? Immediately, when you get behind another vehicle you’d be able to determine his approximate speed, and his “typical” speed in the last few minutes. Don’t think for a second that police officers wouldn’t start keying in off these things too.

Anyway, I think we should have better brake lights and gauges on the exterior of vehicles. In a traffic jam, being able to differentiate between silly brake pumping and real braking could really help us all drive more efficiently and more safely.

Firefox – Not as safe as you may think

Building browsers is hard to do. There are a lot of features in there for attackers to exploit. IE has certainly had it’s share. As Firefox’s popularity increases, it is getting more of them too.

If you’ve got Firefox 1.5, it contains some serious security regressions. You may want to upgrade to

I think the most interesting question is – how will Open Source projects like Firefox adapt to avoid security regressions like these? For as much as people gripe about Microsoft’s security (myself included), I have to admit that Microsoft is doing more than any company on the planet to prevent security problems. Here are some things that you get from Microsoft that Open Source will have a tough time beating:
1) All released software goes through a mandatory security review process. Does this slow down the process of shipping software? Yeah. We’re trying to fix that part. But this does catch real issues.
2) Every developer at Microsoft goes to security training. You can argue that this is a bit lame, but does every open-source developer do this? If nothing else, it brings security to the forefront of everyone’s mind.
3) When security flaws occur, software can be updated via Microsoft Update. IT managers can use SMS/WSUS to be notified of patches instantly, get details on the risk, and apply them to their desktops within hours.

The 3rd bullet sounds simple, but actually represents a massive undertaking. When will any open source project be able to track all their customers via a service, and proactively send them updates and allow IT managers to selectively rollout their fleet?

Hopefully we can solve this problem for both commercial and open-source software.

Microsoft Money

I’ve been using Quicken for years. I’m currently running a very old copy – version 2001. It worked pretty well until they cut off their service entirely earlier this year, and it now throws warnings all over the place. I looked into upgrading, but the $80 price tag combined with mediocre online reviews and potential loss of QIF import scared me away.

There are a couple of big things I look for in my checkbook program:
– Ease/Flexibility of data input. I need to be able to periodically import data from investment accounts, but mostly I manually input. So while I need the QIF import feature, mostly I need quick type-aheads.
– Great reporting
– Good investment tracking. I really like my instant quotes, and I’ve been living without them for far too long.

And of course, I’ve been pretty annoyed with Quicken’s move into the online space. Their product just got bogged down, and lost a lot of it’s snappiness and trustworthiness.

So, while standing at Best Buy last week looking to buy my Tax software (I bought TaxCut for the 3rd year in a row – $10 cheaper than TurboTax), I found myself drooling over a new financial program. I decided I needed the “premium” version of Quicken – to get the online quotes. Amazingly, the packaging and feature breakdowns with Microsoft Money was nearly identical. And since I work for Microsoft, I decided to get that one instead.

Today I finally got a chance to try it, and I have to say, its really great so far. It imported all my quicken data with almost no trouble. (It did lose a couple of minor categories). But the investment tracking is far more accurate – it immediately pointed out a few accounting errors I had, and I was able to fix them after getting acquainted with the new layouts and terminology. I was also impressed that it auto-detected several of my recurring payments, and figured out a rudimentary monthly budget for me. On more careful glance, though, I did discover it wasn’t very smart about it and sometimes misses payments.

The online integration seems a lot smoother than Quicken’s was too. Maybe its just 5 years of product updates, but they managed to make the interface pretty clean. I do actually trust Microsoft to respect my privacy a bit more than Intuit as well. The one big annoyance was a flash-based Geico ad in the middle of the Investments page, but I think I’ll just not use that page very often.

Anyway, if you are like me and tired of Quicken, it might be worth trying Microsoft Money. The Premium version retails for about $75, but it has a $40 mail-in rebate. That is almost exactly the same price as Quicken’s equivalent version. So far, I like it.