I read this article today about how Yahoo lost its way by “coddling” Google.
You could take the article, roll the clock back by 10 years, change the quotes, and replace Yahoo/Google with Netscape/Yahoo.
Yahoo, like Google, was founded by a couple of Stanford computer science geeks. They got their start not only via a business deal with the then-giant Netscape, but by having Netscape actually host Yahoo’s servers…
Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.
Neat. Follow that link from your site. Mercury news seems to be doing redirects based on a function of the referrer. Try to go there through your site, get redirected to https://secure.www.belshe.com/registration/?rPage=login&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.belshe.com%2Fblog%2F&eRightsSessionExpired=true&forced=true
Copy/paste the URL into the browser bar, get sent to:
Drop the &nclick_check=1, and now the link works. For future reference.